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Find our why we offer you the most affordable options

Register for free and book a home

Add your listing on our platform and publish it without paying any fee to us.

Safe rental process guaranteed

Cresscentstays makes it easy and quick to rent properties in your favorite holiday place.

Rent by price per night or price per guest

Rent places by paying a fee for each night booked, or for each guest who checks-in.

24/7 Support hours for customers

We offer you 24/7 support to manage your listing or your holiday planning.

The most affordable rentals platform

You will find the most affordable rentals prices for houses in Cresscentstays on our platform.

Book extra options with your house rental

You can book crib, pick-up, drop-off, or any other extra service we can offer with each listing.

Great service. Exceptional rentals. Professional support.

We offer a range of additional bespoke packages & services, the most popular listed above; however, if you're looking for something else, simply get in touch with our team.